Earlier today, I bade farewell to many dear friends/teammates/coworkers with whom I had the pleasure of spending almost my entire summer. Hugs were shared, tears were wept (ok, I actually bawled as soon as I got in the car!), and now I'm home again, preparing for my next adventure: another semester of college. Which leads me to explain my title: life stops for no one.
Several years ago, this was a particularly poignant life-lesson for me as a teenager; while in the midst of high school, I experienced the illness and death of a family member. It was at that point of my life that I realized that no one is truly invincible. Sooner or later, you...me...everyone will fail, will suffer, and will die. And you know what? Life will continue on as it always has. I'm reminded of a song from one of my favorite movies:
Eliza does her best to prove that she does not need 'Enry 'Iggins in her life in order to be happy (which may or may not be true - those of you who've seen the movie know what I mean :P), and she does so by pointing out that normal, everyday things will continue occurring whether or not he's around.
Similarly, if I fail all of my classes this coming semester, if I lose a dear friend, if I'm fired from my library job, if no one likes my blog (sure, that's not incredibly important, but still!), if I die in a car accident, will the world end? Of course not; life will go on its merry way along the path of time... at least until the Parousia (or the Zombie Apocalypse, take your pick). My point is, though it may seem that life is too hectic, too difficult, too MUCH, it will continue on. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this reality so that we may resist the urge to give into fear of what the future may hold. Endure, dear reader(s)! Life stops for no one, so hang on tight, be brave, and trust that "this too shall pass."
Ah! You reference one of my FAV movies I've taught to my English students in the past. My Fair Lady has SO many good messages. And "Without You" is fun and true! Those losses in our life so etch somewhat on our souls and shape the way we turn out in the end. I lost my little brother to an accidental shooting, so I remember that feeling of helplessness and the "stopping-of-time" thoughts that nothing would go on the same. But it did. Only with memories of that life in "the past" and not there to share with. Onward! (~from Mrs. Holdridge)